Our Colleges

About Florence Nightingale School of Nursing

Florence Nightingale School of Nursing,Bidar,Karnataka

With a great pleasure, we want to introduce Florence Nightingale School of Nursing to you that our group was founded in the year 2012, with the aim to contribute towards human development through academic pursuits and be a trendsetter in the field of nursing education. We are one of the largest Groups of Nursing Colleges in Karnataka having its 6 campuses at different locations. All of our colleges are approved by INC and KNC and fulfill all the measure of concerned Government Departments. We have highly educated and experienced team of faculty in our nursing colleges. Our colleges are officially associated with the leading Hospitals Groups of India for the training & Placement of our students. In Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, we look at education differently. For us, education does not lie in the quantification of knowledge, but it lies in the quality of knowledge and excellence in education. Quality education doesn't mean good academic results but also the spiritual, mental and physical developing the student that helps to form the character of students. We believe in this philosophy of forming them as competent, committed and compassionate human being for the society. This is what has made Florence Nightingale School of Nursing climb to the top of the educational institutions in India.

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